Willkommen in Lübeck - Reiseführer - page 8

8 I Lübeck Weltkulturerbe
St. Aegidien Kirche (Foto: Thomas Völker)
Gewölbegang bei St. Marien (Foto: Thomas Völker)
ständigt upp i dagens ljus, som
t.ex. den lilla trädockan som föll i
en kloak omkring år 1300, eller grif-
feln från en elev, som år 1370 grub-
blade över sina läxor i skolan vid
St. Jakobi och mycket annat.
Lübeck is the Queen of the Han-
seatic League! Go on a voyage of
discovery through the historic
Old Town. Lübeck's medieval
centre was declared a UNESCO
world heritage site in 1987. This
was the first time that an entire
Old Town in Northern Europe
ever received this award.
Set off and discover the narrow
winding streets, the hidden alleys
and courtyards of the UNESCO
world heritage site. And don't for-
get: Take a look heavenwards and
marvel at the famous seven spi-
res:Lübeck was founded in 1143
as the first western city on the Bal-
tic Sea coast and is a shining
example of the character of the
Hanseatic League members in the
Baltic region. Its distinct and uni-
que city skyline with the seven
church towers, its systematically
constructed city layout and the
original historic buildings in the
Old Town were reason enough for
the UNESCO committee to grant
the historic island with its status
as a UNESCO world heritage site
in 1987. The rich substance of va-
luable historic buildings from the
different ages can still be admired.
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